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Exclusive. Beautiful.

Registered Nurturer ® Products

About Registered Nurturer, Inc.

​Registered Nurturer, Inc. is a consultant to Companies and Organizations helping them improve or maintain employee retention by showing appreciation, acknowledgement, and recognizing employees who go above and beyond in the work that they do.  But often go unnoticed and as a result start looking elsewhere when they don't have too. 


Employee Recognition, Acknowledgement, & Appreciation Expert empowering you to support and recognize employees in a unique way.  So they stop looking elsewhere and stay right where they are- with you as an employee who feels: validated and appreciated and in return makes your job easy.

About Registered Nurterer's Founder

Southern California Employers, Business Owners, Human Resources Departments, California Employee Appreciation, Recognition

For more than thirty years, I’ve heard story after story of employees in: property management, customer service, education, childcare,and healthcare share how they work extremely hard yet go unnoticed or overlooked.

In recent years I have also personally witnessed caregivers in facilities, homes, and hospitals go the extra mile to take care of patients and clients without any expectation of anything in return; they tend to feel devalued or underappreciated. 


Especially, if despite their hard work they then witness others who put in less effort, receive a greater reward.  This becomes an unintentional “slap in the face” by the company resulting in low morale, decreased effort, absenteeism, and high turnover rates as mentioned by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

"A Walk On a Trail"

It was during my walk on a trail that led me to come up with the vision for Registered Nurturer®.


You see, I have two “Sister Girls” I walked the trail with every morning and, on one particular morning I was telling them that although I have been in the medical field off and on for more than thirty years. I have always wanted to be a Registered Nurse.


However, upon attempting to enroll in school, the school told me I would have to go on the waiting list for the next semester or following year because they were overcrowded. Then on two occasions, after being enrolled, the school turned around and said we don’t understand why, but the State has said we have over enrolled our students, which means you will have to leave.


And so as I shared my story and frustration on that particular day on the trail, my “Sister Girl” Faye said “You are an R.N., you are a “Registered Nurturer”, you give and take such care with your patients”.


Wow! A light bulb went off in my head and my heart, and I carried her words with me for over a year. Every now and then God would bring it back to my memory and I would think to myself, “Oh yeah I need to get on that”. But I really didn’t know how or where to start. So I prayed and I prayed, and I prayed and finally God said “yes” now is the time you can do it.


You know that moment or experience when you were clear about your vision, but unclear about how to carry it out?


At the proper time, he reconnected me with a family member I hadn’t talked with in a while whose daughter knew exactly how to help me get started.


So Registered Nurturer® came from my heart and mind and into reality…Registered Nurture ® creates products to give Honor, Recognition, and show appreciation to those giving exceptional care and doing great work.


Let’s give our caregivers the recognition they so deserve! All who give care should wear our products and be recognized as the Registered Nurturer® they are!

Why choose our services

We've been on "both sides of the coin":  having been employees and also business owners.  So we understand the importance and need to maximize the benefits and programs offered to employees/staff.

While at the same time ensuring that you retain great employees/staff members for as long as possible.

Our Commitment

We are committed to helping your H.R. Department, Business, or Organization:

  CREATE an employee appreciation and recognition program for those that don't have one.


  IMPROVE current employee recognition program.

INCREASE employee morale

  DECREASE negativity

Employee Appreciation and Recognition Program, Ontario, Riverside County,

San Bernardino County, Orange County, Los Angeles County, California, United States, Irwindale, San Fernando Valley

Any questions or thoughts?  We are always happy to help out!

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